Be prepared to be surprised!
We start with Pre-ALE Workshops that are happening on August 24- one day before the fabulous ALE itself.
Agile Lean Europe is unconference using an Open Space Technology. A wide range of attendees: from beginners to world-class experienced Agile and Lean practitioners and coaches meet openly to share and learn.
There might be a guiding theme, but almost no agenda prepared in advance. Just a container - Daily Schedule - that we will fill with ideas, challenges and experiences together at the event, from August 25 - 26, 2022
ALE will take place every day from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m
The Unconference will be open on Thursday morning with good coffee and croissants, and an opening message from ours Sponsors and the non-organisation team.
It will close slowly Friday afternoon by the pitches and the election of the new Host City and a closing message from our Sponsors and the non-organisation team.
Dinner with Strangers - ALE tradition of the unconference will invite you to discover the old city of Toulouse and its Gastronomy !
The non-organisation team and our great sponsors are working hard to prepare an ALEsome surprise full of STARS, stay tunned !